Knowledge Centre Patronage Studies

Research repository

‘Do ut des’ rond Multatuli en Jan Kneppelhout. Vormen van interactie tussen weldoeners en kunstenaars in de negentiende eeuw

This article addresses the workings of individual patronage relationships in the
nineteenth century, focusing on the (competitive and supportive) alliances between Dutch benefactor Johannes Kneppelhout and his protégés on one hand,
and those between Dutch writer Multatuli and his patrons on the other. It is
very probable that in the interaction between patron(s) and artist(s) the ancient
patronage rule of ‘do ut des’ will have applied – but how exactly did these patrons
and artists position themselves within these circles? What were they prepared to
invest in their alliances, and what sort of profit did they expect in return? These
questions will be tackled by using insights from gift-theory, as developed by sociologists Aafke Komter and Alvin Gouldner.

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