Knowledge Centre Patronage Studies


The research repository on this platform shows how much knowledge and expertise is available, and how diverse and challenging the questions are that patronage researchers want to research. If you want to commission research for your (cultural) company or need expertise in the field of patronage studies, you can call on the researchers at Utrecht University. Be it research into the functioning of circles of friends or donors, sharing expertise on relationships with donors and benefactors, giving master classes or presentations, or answering questions on policy and strategy.

Curious about cooperation opportunities? Contact prof. dr. Helleke van den Braber:

Previous cases

Foundation Voordekunst and Van Dooren Advies, in consultation with prof. dr. Helleke van den Braber and Cultuurfonds, conducted a sector-wide study in 2020 following the question: How can private giving to individual creators in the Netherlands be optimised? Van den Braber gave advice on composing the report.

In addition, in 2015, historians dr. Gert-Jan Johannes and dr. Arno Neele conducted commissioned research into the fortunes of Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, which was celebrating its 75th anniversary at the time, as a broad-based cultural financier in the Netherlands. The research was published in the book Een mecenas van belang. The book also pays attention to the changes that have taken place in the cultural landscape over the past 75 years and questions the importance and impact of Cultuurfonds’ activities.