Kennispunt Mecenaatstudies

Erasmus Universiteit

Cultural Economics: Theory
For better or for worse, economics is a most influential theory of human behavior and a popular tool for rationalizing decisions. Economic perspectives and arguments are important in debates on public policy of almost any kind. Decision-makers in businesses draw heavily on aspects of economic theory. Economic reasoning is also increasingly employed in the cultural sector. In this course, we discuss the theoretical underpinnings of cultural economics, to help students in harnessing economics for their own purposes.
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Cultural Organizations
Organisations are of great importance in the production and realization of cultural value. The first half of this course will analyse the fundamental questions underlying the cultural organisations. We explore economic and alternative explanations for the existence of cultural organisations. We analyze the difference between formal and informal organisations in the cultural sector, and their relative importance. The second half of the course explores particular challenges that cultural organisations face, through the analysis by students of a cultural organisation of their choice. How do cultural organisations develop a mission? And how can we evaluate the cultural and social goals of cultural organisations?
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Cultural Entrepreneurship: Theory
The notion of “entrepreneurship” is commonly associated with the discovery and pursuit of new business opportunities through the creation of firms. The ultimate aim of entrepreneurial activity is seldom profit or personal wealth-creation, but rather realizing new ideas and being free from restraints. Similarly, artistic and creative work is often about the introduction of novelty, and artists and creative professionals seek to create the conditions and to overcome the barriers to be able to develop works of art and creative goods or services. Different approaches to and theories on entrepreneurship coincide, which we will explore during this course.
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Innovations in Cultural Industries
We deal with advanced economic research on the cultural industries – that is industries that supply reproducible cultural products such as recorded music, films and books as media content. We emphasize a general analytical approach to understanding innovation and technological change as well as case studies of firms or industries. The course extends on prior expertise of the students in economics, the cultural sector and empirical research methods. We will harness these skills to develop practical insights for stakeholders in arts and culture.
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